Modern technical ceramics manufacturing

Customized solutions for the industry

BCE Special Ceramics GmbH domiciled in Mannheim produces highly complex and precise ceramic components – even in small quantities. The company founded in 1986 acts successfully on the ceramic market for more than three decades now. Based to the great commitment of initially three co-workers and a visible market opportunity BCE grew up to a sound, medium-sized enterprise with nearly 30 employees. Due to continuous economical growth the manufacturing area was extended to approx. 1,800 m² in the year 2005.

The company has modern manufacturing and measurement technologies and has been certified according to DIN ISO 9001 since 2001, currently at DIN ISO 9001:2015.

BCE Special Ceramics company building

State-of-the-art production of technical ceramics

BCE Special Ceramics technical equipment
BCE Special Ceramics technical equipment

The technical equipment of BCE is constantly updated and state-of-the-art due to continuous investments into the machinery as well as in auxiliary and measuring instruments. After first production step using cold-isostatic pressing (CIP) as forming technology the ceramic pre-forms are subsequently green machined and finished on 10 CNC- or NC-machines.

BCE operates with most modern manufacturing technologies, such as 5-axis-milling-machines, highly precise circular grinding machines, ultrasonic-based hard machining equipment as well as lapping and honing technology.

History of BCE Special Ceramics GmbH

BCE Special Ceramics was founded by Hermann Bertsch in 1986. This Mannheim-based company has remained an owner-led, independent enterprise. Our company experienced steady growth. This lead to a relocation to a business complex in the Mannheim/Friedrichsfeld area.

Periodic expansions, the most recent in 2005, enabled us to add a department for medical technology development and production.

Partners/associations in the field of technical ceramics

think ceramics logo

BCE is member of VKI (Federation of ceramic industry)

IPT-Albrecht logo

Partner for ceramic-metal-joining technology


Partner for ceramic coatings

BCE Special Ceramics corporate brochure

Download our corporate brochure and find out more about BCE.